November 2011

November 2011

torsdag 26 februari 2009

Midwinter break, day 4. The day the camera broke down

They where all here in front of my window, the deer, the eagle, the fox and the squirrel, so much faster than the camera and when I finally caught the deer the camera broke down.

The drawback with digital cameras is the bad monitor especially in direct sunlight. You can't distinguish if the shit is on the lense or behind the camera.

Today we can see some tulip progress but how far will it come before i leave and what shall i do with the tulips by then??

onsdag 25 februari 2009

tisdag 24 februari 2009

Midwinter break, day 2

SUN, SKIING and ORANGE what else can you ask for?

Leaving town for some winter days in the arcipelago

My tulips will they ever be something more than bulbs??

måndag 23 februari 2009

Midwinter break day 1

Ticked of some of the items on the exchange student checklist and sent a mail to the school, 8 weeks to go.

Strolled around the city and took some photos, bought some annual plant seed.

It looks rather cold, but it's not that bad actually.

onsdag 4 februari 2009


Digging in the snow looking for conifers.

We found 20 spices and I admit some of them was sky high.

tisdag 3 februari 2009

Fraxinus excelsior

A winter day as we like to see it, with frozen trees and crispy hair

måndag 2 februari 2009

Such a lovely day in Vaxholm

Snow in UK, hot like hell in Sydney and such a lovely day in Vaxholm!!!